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[Curiosidade] Pegadinha no Metrô de Munique

Enviado: 26 Jun 2010, 13:44
por Rafael Lopes
Ninguém em Munique, no sul da Alemanha, pega táxi para ir ao aeroporto. Na melhor das hipóteses a viagem custará € 50 e terá duração de 45 minutos, o mesmo tempo que o metrô leva para chegar lá desde a estação central, por € 9,60. Mas fique atento antes de embarcar no trem. Há duas linhas que levam ao aeroporto: se você entrar no metrô da S8 não tem como errar, a última estação é a sua. Mas se for da S1, repare no nome duplo "Freising/Flughafen" e na informação-chave que corre em letras miúdas no monitor: "passageiros que vão ao aeroporto devem viajar nos vagões traseiros". Isso porque em determinada estação o trem se divide (sim!) e a parte dianteira segue para Freising. Somente quem está nos últimos vagões chegará ao aeroporto.
http://www.cbtu.gov.br/noticias/clippin ... 20610b.htm

o0 =o

Re: [Curiosidade] Pegadinha no Metrô de Munique

Enviado: 26 Jun 2010, 14:05
por André Vasconcellos
Idéia interessante...
O trem q roda pela S-Bahn :


The metro (underground) was built for the 1972 Munich Olympics. The underground train service is called the U-Bahn and is operated by Muncher Verkehrsgesselschaft (MVG). The lines (U1 to U8) serve only the central areas of the city. Services run every five minutes in the rush hour and then every ten minutes during the rest of the day.

The Suburban train service, or S-Bahn, is operated by Deutsche Bahn (DB). The services of the S-Bahn run to the more outlying areas of the city including Flughafen airport (S1 and S8). The services S1, S2 and S4 to S8 run through a central tunnel in the middle of Munich, running from Ostbahnhof to Hauptbahnhof. The tunnel area is a single stretch of track running through the city, which can form a bottle-neck at certain peak travel times during the day. At either end of the tunnel services branch off to cover the S-Bahn network.

The city of Munich also has a well developed bus and tram network run by MVG. The Munich Transport and Tariff Association (MVV) is a transport association that has centralised the ticket and pricing system in Munich. The ticket system is integrated with only one type of ticket required for all of the services in the city, although the price paid is based on a zoning system.


The existing S-Bahn tunnel between Ostbahnhof and Hauptbahnhof is a weak point in the S-Bahn system; to cross the city all the trains have to pass through it. Tunnel maintenance frequently causes disruption. A second tunnel has recently been proposed for construction parallel to the old tunnel. The new tunnel will be started in 2005 and will enter service in 2008. It is estimated that the 8km tunnel will cost €600 million to construct.

http://www.urbantransport-technology.co ... ts/munich/

Re: [Curiosidade] Pegadinha no Metrô de Munique

Enviado: 26 Jun 2010, 20:06
por Jorge Luis
no sul do Brasil, mais precisamente em São Paulo,tem uma frota parecida com estes, pena que não vão ate os aeroportos